August 10th, 2018 #WorldCrossStitchDay

August 10th, 2018 #WorldCrossStitchDayPackaged arrived from @casacenina! for #worldcrossstitchday: a 6"x6" #qsnap for my stitchery project, a fabric by #rileyblakedesigns' and the dotted one from #modafabrics, a #littlehouseneedleworks' pattern, one from #withthyneedleandthread, #ClassicColorworks' Cherry Cobbler thread I finished for #LanternLaneSAL, and a large piece of #Zweigart 28ct. Brittney lugana to be tea-dyed @priscillablain's way 😀. Filter: #Lark. photo #Fujifilm: ©Dolci Fusa

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