And the winner is...

Ricordate il piccolo concorso sul nome del mio coniglietto di spugna di qualche giorno fa? Il concorso era aperto sia sul mio blog principale, cioè questo, sia sul blog inglese dedicato alle Tilda addicts a cui partecipo.

Do you remember the contest I've launched some days ago to find an original name for my sponge bunny? The contest was open here and at Tilda addict's blog.

Ebbene, la vincitrice del concorso ha proposto il nome prescelto in quel blog.
The winner has posted her propose there.

Vi ri-presento quindi Nougat:
So, let me introduce you again Nougat:

Sylvie, email me privately your address. I'll prepare your gift in the next days.

2 paw prints:

stitcherw said...

What a fun name for your cute bunny, Nouget sounds perfect. Thanks for visiting and posting on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm the winner!!!
I've just emailed my address.


Purr-Stitch is online since 03/03/2006